Disclaimer: These are excerpts from student assignments conducted as part of a Corporate Finance class. The opinions represented do not necessarily agree with mine. I do not vouch for the quality of the recommendations or the accuracy of the numbers. Follow the recommendations on your own risk.

Click here for proxy statement: http://www.lagercrantz.com/Documents/Cision/documents/2015/20150721-notice-to-attend-the-annual-general-meeting-of-lagercrantz-group-ab-publ-en-1-1033644.pdf

Fifth #AGM for @LSEPKUSummerSch #CorpFin #students voting recommendations #Lagercrantz $LAGR today 4pm

#Students recommend voting for the #stocksplit as it improves #liquidity and smaller lot sizes allow better allocation of capital #Lagercrantz $LAGR #AGM

#Lagercrantz $LAGR #AGM #SayonPay: #Students happy with compensation levels, seem competitive and not too high @LSEPKUSummerSch #CorpFin

#Lagercrantz $LAGR #AGM #incentivepay: #Students agree with options program but suggest managers should be required to hold shares for a number of years for more #longterm incentives

Proposal Excerpt of Student Recommendations
For Against
Stock split
  • A split of shares would improve the liquidity of the shares
  • It would decrease the lot size and therefore allow shareholders to better allocate their capital
  • Aggregate compensation is in line with market conditions and competitive, it is related to responsibility and authority
  • Issuance of call options to management will align interests of shareholders and management more closely
  • In order for the class options programme to truly serve its purposes, shares acquired by the management team should be held for at least 5 years
Authorisation for the board of directors to decide on acquisition of and conveyance of own shares
  • Allow the board of directors to adapt the Group’s capital structure
  • Selling shares would able the company to generate cash flow to acquire companies and businesses with payment in own shares