Disclaimer: These are excerpts from student assignments conducted as part of a Corporate Finance class. The opinions represented do not necessarily agree with mine. I do not vouch for the quality of the recommendations or the accuracy of the numbers. Follow the recommendations on your own risk.
Proposal | Excerpt of Student Recommendations | |
For | Against | |
(2)To approve the payment of Directors’ Fees from RM258,000.00 up to RM260,000.00 for the financial year ending February 28, 2017 and payment of such Fees to the Directors of the Company. |
(3) To re-elect the following Directors retiring under the provision of Article 132 of the Articles of Association of the Company, and who, being eligible offer themselves for re-election:- (i) Dr. Ch’ng Huck Khoon (ii) Mak Siew Wei |
(5)Authority To Allot And Issue Shares Pursuant To Section 132D Of The Companies Act, 1965 |