Disclaimer: These are excerpts from student assignments conducted as part of a Corporate Finance class. The opinions represented do not necessarily agree with mine. I do not vouch for the quality of the recommendations or the accuracy of the numbers. Follow the recommendations on your own risk.
Click here for the proposals: http://www.minemakers.com.au/downloads/1454152.pdf
My @LSEPKUSummerSch #CorpFin #students made voting recommendations again: first #AGM was today, #Minemakers #MAK #Baobab triangular #merger
#students recommend voting for #Minemakers #MAK #Baobab #merger: #synergies outweigh #risks and loss of #control rights #CorpFin
#students particularly concerned about potential changes in #Senegal #mining license system #Minemakers #MAK #Baobab #merger #CorpFin
#students think price is right but recommend mix of cash and stock to not give up majority of control rights #Minemakers #MAK #Baobab #merger
#students point out low #leverage, cash and debt issuance can be used for projects using #IHP #technology #Minemakers #MAK #Baobab #merger
#Minemakers #MAK #Baobab #merger proposal passed as expected at #shareholdermeeting, consistent with #Student recommendations
Resolution – Approval of the issue of the Consideration to Baobab Partners
To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without amendment, as an ordinary resolution the following:
Proposal | Excerpt of Student Recommendations | |
For | Against | |
“That, pursuant to and in accordance with item 7 of section 611 of the Corporations Act, Listing Rule 7.1, and for all other purposes, Shareholders approve the issue to Baobab Partners of:
(a) the Consideration Shares and the acquisition by Baobab Partners of a relevant interest in the Consideration Shares; (b) the Consideration Options and the issue of, and the acquisition by Baobab Partners of a relevant interest in, up to 80,000,000 Shares upon the exercise of the Consideration Options; (c) 40,000,000 Class A Contingent Share Rights and the issue of, and the acquisition by Baobab Partners of a relevant interest in, up to 40,000,000 Shares upon the satisfaction of the Class A Milestones; and (d) 40,000,000 Class B Contingent Share Rights and the issue of, and the acquisition by Baobab Partners of a relevant interest in, up to 40,000,000 Shares upon the satisfaction of the Class B Milestone, In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Merger Implementation Agreement and otherwise on the terms and conditions set out in the Explanatory Memorandum |
Result: Approved
Further recommendations (citing assignments)
- Finance the acquisition through
- 50% cash instead of 100% stock to keep more dispersed ownership structure and increase leverage
- Implement second class of shares contingent on project milestones to finance acquisition
- Raise debt to finance future projects
- Repurchase shares, financed by debt raised through bank loans
- Invest into mine that create synergies with the IHP technology
- Change top management and their compensation
- Remove CEO responsible for poor performance
- Use share appreciation rights for executive compensation